WOW. What a year! I cannot believe that this year is already coming to a close. I honestly feel like it was just yesterday that I was ringing in the new year and thinking about all that was in store for me in 2010. As I’ve reflected on quite an exhilarating 365 days (eh, more like 363 today but whatever), I have quickly forgotten about some of the monumental (both good and bad) things that have happened this year. This was by far the biggest year in the brief history of social media so far. If you look at all of the major events and stories that came out of this year, they were all drastically changed by the growth of technology. Everything from the rate and reach of current events and “scandals”  to the explosion of Twitter this year (including record breaking tweeting at major events) and even the first-time technology utilized at NY Fashion Week in its inaugural event at Lincoln Center was spurred by the growth of technology. I compiled some of the highlights and lowlights of 2010 in the collage above that will all leave a lasting impression on the world … or a burn mark.
- The 2010 Winter Olympics are held in Vancouver, Canada and the U.S. takes home the most medals with 37
- The Healthcare Reform Bill passes in Congress changing the face of healthcare in the US
- The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster in the gulf of Mexico leaves gulf industries reeling as the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry overtaking the top spot from the Exxon Valdez spill in ’89
- The 2010 FIFA World Cup takes place in South Africa with Spain taking home the prized cup after defeating the Netherlands 1-0
- A catastrophic magnitude 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti and devastates the country, just one of many large earthquakes to take a toll on the world this year
- Tiger Woods. Do I really need to elaborate?
- Michaele and Tareq Salahi somehow get past Secret Serivce (boy don’t you feel safe) and crash a state dinner at the White House
- Paris Hilton mistakes cocaine for gum and is arrested… really?
- John Mayer got even weirder. Despite 3.7 million followers on twitter and an open mic for random and often disturbing thoughts, he closed his account in September after some controversial tweets and interviews got out of hand
- Sandra Bullock wins the Oscar for Best Actress (in stunning Marchesa) and then follows it up with a divorce and an adopted baby boy
- FBI data shows the crime rate is declining across the U.S.
- Inception tops the box office charts for 2010
- The end of Harry Potter is near! The first movie of the 2 part finale (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) hit theaters this year and according to has raked in over $6 billion dollars through the movies alone in the last decade
- The Social Network showed the world just how influential Facebook really is raking in over $91 million dollars according to boxofficemojo – in the past 6 years Facebook has taken the world by storm and amassed over 500 million active users
- Kesha’s “Tik Tok” takes the #1 spot on Billboard’s Hot 100 for 2010 proving yet again you don’t have to really sing to make a lot of money at it
- Lady Gaga takes in #1 Top Artist on Billboard’s charts with Taylor Swift coming in at #2
- Apple releases the iPhone 4 and the first generation iPad
- Biggest fashion trends of the year: military/utilitarian, the comeback of socks (knee socks and socks with heels), layering, 60’s ladylike, leather, sheer, clogs, capes, hot pants and boyshorts
- The tragic passing of design legend Alexander McQueen
Not only is this the end of 2010, but it’s the end of the FIRST decade of the new milennium. Do you remember what it was like in 1999? I know Prince does. Everyone thought the world was going to come crashing down because of Y2K and ’00’ on computers… hilarious. I bet we didn’t think the world would be as it is today, where we rely on computers for basically everything that we do. Do you remember where you were on New Year’s Eve in 1999? I do! I was at my house because my parents were throwing a party for our group of family friends… I even remember what I was wearing but I’ll spare you those horrid details :) (my photographic memory is really handy sometimes). Here’s a funny comparison of 2010 to 2000:
How Much things cost in 2010 (thepeoplehistory)
- Average Cost of new house $232,880.00
- Cost of a gallon of Gas $2.73
- US Postage Stamp 44 cents
- Dozen Eggs $1.37
- Loaf of Bread $2.49
How much things cost in 2000 (thepeoplehistory)
- Average Cost of new house $134,150.00
- Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.26
- US Postage Stamp 33 cents
- Dozen Eggs 89 cents
- Loaf of Bread $1.72
The other monumental event that will go down on 1.1.11 is….. MY BIRTHDAY! When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, smooch your honey after your champagne toast and know that I’ll officially be 24! For Christmas/my birthday I received an amazing Canon EOS Rebel T2i camera that I am SO super stoked to get familiar with. The picture in the collage above is a digital camera cake (which I found truly fitting) but it’s not quite indicative of my newest toy because it’s not a Sony, duh. This year I’ll be spending New Year’s Eve in Breckenridge, CO shreddin the gnar on the mountain and enjoying salted caramel hot chocolate, crepes from the amazing stand on main street, fresh pow and bundling up since it’s going to be fah-reezing.
While 24 isn’t a hallmark year and nothing will really feel different (as usual) I will technically qualify as being in my “mid-twenties”. Yikes! Seriously, where does all the time go? Check out Acts 1:11 for a really powerful verse and one that I will be contemplating as I ring in this special day and celebrate all of the life I have been blessed with. It’s a little bizarre to think back on everything that has happened for me in the past decade. I have accomplished quite a lot and have a lot to be thankful for.
Some weird personal stats over the past 10 years:
- Graduated middle school, high school and college
- Learned how to drive and got my first car followed by my second last year when my first one kinda broke :(
- Started my first real job (as a consultant & then got promoted to Senior Consultant!), and my blog (woo hoo!)
- Shed my braces, grew my hair out super long and then chopped it at least 3 times
- Traveled to Germany, France, England, and Spain and all over the U.S.
- Moved 8 times in a 6 year span (I’m a pro now and I’ll hit 9 in early 2011)
- Carried the Olympic flame in the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics torch relay
What has happened with you this decade and what are you most looking forward to in the New Year?
Last, but certainly not least I bring you an “almost 6 month” recap of this year on the view from 5 ft. 2! What an amazing start this has been… I never imagined that the blog would grow so quickly. It has been so much fun and truly the most exciting thing I’ve set my mind to in quite a long time. I’m so thankful for all of the readers and people who continue to come back to the site… I love your feedback and want to hear what you’d like to see more of in 2011!
Here’s a quick summary of where we’ve come in this short time together :)
- the view from 5 ft. 2 is being viewed worldwide in 103 countries and in 62 different languages
- we have hit 48 states in the U.S. and Washington D.C. – if you have any friends in Montana or North Dakota help a girl out and send it to them! we just need 2 more to cover the entire U.S.A.!
- over 29,000 pageviews to date
- averaging 5,000-10,000 pageviews per month
- attended New York Fashion Week meeting and photographing various designers, celebrities, and meeting desginer Eric Kim
- traveled to 8 different cities in the U.S. together, some multiple times (Austin, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Vail)
- had various features on other websites and fashion blogging sites (see ‘featured in’)
- was a semi-finalist in Sunglass Hut’s Full Time Fabulous blogging competition
Not too shabby for 5 and 3/4 months, eh? :) A HUGE, heartfelt THANK YOU for your continued support! Next year with the help of my new camera that shoots HD video (so ahhhsome.) I’m hoping to bring you guys more video content and compilations from the streets. The latest in trends and my take on them of course, and not to mention, amazing photographs and tips on different cities as I continue my travels! Where are we going next year? Well… since you asked… I’ll let you in on two of the big trips I have planned.
We’re headed to…. NEW YORK for Fashion Week again! aaaaaannnndddd…. EUROPE!! Eeeeeekkk I can hardly contain my excitement! I’m beyond excited for next year’s trips!!!
Everyone have a safe and fantabulous New Year’s Eve and I’ll see you all in 2011! :)