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July 3, 2014

Images via One, Two, Three

The 4th of July might be one of my favorite holidays of the entire year. It’s in my favorite season and involves most of my favorite things all in one day. Growing up in Texas it was always a big deal. Shocking that Texans take this Holiday so seriously, right? :)

My favorite memories from when I was really young are the ones of our parades around our neighborhood. We would spend hours decorating our bikes for the parade with red, white and blue streamers. One time my Dad came into the garage and found me putting the finishing touches on it super late the night before… I was a perfectionist to say the least. My other favorite memories are the Fourth’s we spent at Texas Ranger games (baseball, for those of you who don’t know). We would go to the ballpark and the Rangers always won (or so it seemed like) and we celebrated with hot dogs, fireworks and always Lee Greenwood ‘Proud to be an American’ during the finale.

Now that I’m older, my 4ths are typically spent on the beach or if possible on a boat here in Chicago. My favorite of these holidays to date was last year – we ended up on our friend’s boat all day and watched fireworks from the harbor that night. It was probably my favorite day of all time in Chicago and one that I won’t forget. I’m excited for another memorable weekend and hoping that I get my hot dog fix, too! What are your 4th of July plans?

If you’re lounging this weekend be sure to check out the following sales:

Have a wonderful and safe 4th! :)

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