The View From 5 Ft. 2

The Final Countdown

gingham dress, christine petric, the view from 5 ft. 2, summer dresses

I can’t believe we’re in the final countdown of summer. Labor Day is around the corner and thanks to the humidity and heat here in the city, I’m actually thinking that this year’s transition to fall will for the first time be a welcome one.

It was truly #thesummerofdresses and even though my summer dress series didn’t quite turn out the way I had planned thanks to a lot of travel, the best part is that it was because this summer was so busy and fun!

Some of my favorite summer memories were the trip to Seaside for my best friend’s wedding, getting to be home for my nephew’s birthday, my sister and brother and law visiting New York, and a few weekends we snuck in out in CT and up in Martha’s Vineyard.

This dress was a fan favorite when I first teased it on Instagram for the first day of summer and I can’t believe we’re almost to the end and I’m just now actually getting to share it. I love anything gingham and the flirty sleeves and open back just scream summer to me, so I’ll be holding onto this one to pull out again next year. This longer version is perfect to transition to fall and this wrap dress is adorable to scoop up for next year as well.

What were some of your favorite memories of the summer?


DRESS: Gingham mini dress (sold out, similar here) • EARRINGS: Bauble Bar line studs • SHOES: Dolce Vita wedges

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Photos by Bekka Palmer