December 11, 2010
Here Come the Holidays: Accessories
As the Holidays draw near, so do the prospects of Holiday parties and family get-togethers. My favorite thing about the Holidays is getting to dress up and celebrate this wonderful time of year with family and friends. I've compiled some of my favori ...

December 6, 2010
Holiday Gift Guide, under $200
My favorite thing about the Holidays is figuring out the perfect gifts for special people in my life. There's something so magical about a reaction when someone unwraps a present that truly makes them happy. But, it's not as easy as it sounds! Gift f ...

November 28, 2010
Here Come the Holidays: Glitter Pumps
Glitter is back! And not the cheesy, 3rd grade glitter you would sprinkle over glue or the middle school glitter eyeshadow for the school dance... Glitter is making a sophisticated comeback in heels, skirts, tops and dresses. Expect to see tons of sp ...

November 5, 2010
casual friday inspiration
Friday! You know what that means...
Well, in case we have different definitions for me it means casual Friday at work and getting to wear the clothes I really want to wear all week, the beginning of 2.5 glorious days, non-obligations or at least the ...

October 27, 2010
everything old is new again
Jacqueline Kennedy, fashion icon
"What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun."
- Ecclesiastes 1:9
Trends and styles make their comebacks all the time - some are fabulous... some ...

October 20, 2010
Best of S/S11 RTW in Video
There were a handful of shows from London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks that were absolutely breathtaking. Between all 4 fashion weeks combined you're destined to see amazing creations and be very impressed at the work of these designers. However, t ...

October 1, 2010
october breeze
photo courtesy of an HBU blogger
The first day of October is always the first day that truly feels like fall to me. Maybe it's growing up in Texas where August is the hottest month of the summer and September still has lingering heat. But, the leave ...

August 23, 2010
“the september issue”
August is a month known for going back to school, summer fading slowly into fall, and prime concert season... but in the fashion industry it's one of the most important months of the year. It is an honor to grace the cover of the September issue of a ...

August 16, 2010
spritz of the sea
So, much to my dismay summer is winding down towards its end. Luckily, the tousled beachy waves like Blake Lively's can carry you into fall for an easy, but glamorous look. A few months ago I decided to try out Bumble & Bumble's Surf Spray. They ...

August 6, 2010
lace me up
My favorite fall trend so far is military/lace up booties that exceed your ankle. They're perfect for skinny jeans, leggings, tights, trousers or mini skirts and I have been looking everywhere for more options. Two weeks ago I could only find 3 cute ...