February 16, 2016
5 Happy Things
Well, it's not Monday this week but it's Monday for me! We had yesterday off of work and I took a chance to keep the pause button hit on pretty much everything. This weekend was very low key and I caught up on a lot of R&R–and a lot of Mad Men ...

February 10, 2016
5 Ways To Change Your Morning Routine
Mornings are tough for just about everyone.. even those so-called "morning people". They've always been especially tough for me (as anyone who knows me well can attest to), but this year I decided I wanted things to be different.

February 8, 2016
5 Happy Things
Happy Monday! This weekend went by faster than usual, probably because I split the weekend in the city and in Connecticut. I did make it back to see some friends and have a lovely little Sunday knocking out a few errands and grabbing some snacks for ...

February 1, 2016
5 Happy Things
Happy Monday! Is it really February? I blinked and January flew by.. it was a quieter month than the end of last year for sure which was welcome in some ways, but I'm excited that the next few months will be busy and full of fun events. This past w ...

January 27, 2016
8 Inspiring Dining Rooms
There are some things that you just forego when you move to New York City. For me, it was any sense of mobility in my room, a disposal, and the concept of a dining area. I feel extremely lucky that we have a washer/dryer and were able to somehow squ ...

January 25, 2016
5 Happy Things
Happy Monday! I spent the weekend bundled up and enjoying one of the most gorgeous blizzards in New York City history. I had a bit of downtime to spend finally catching up on some things I've been wanting to do.. one of which is update my site design ...

January 13, 2016
5 Minute Breakfast At Home
One of my favorite weekend indulgences and things to do on Saturday mornings is make breakfast. Over the years my go-to has changed (mostly due to my kitchen size and time spent grocery shopping) and thanks to a recent purchase has taken another twi ...

December 17, 2015
5 Steps For Finding The Perfect Gift
Gift giving can be so tricky and stressful if you’re looking for something extra special or are stuck on what to get for someone. Whether it’s a loved one, a friend or a new flame there always feels like there’s more pressure on it than shou ...

November 17, 2015
Natural Light Spaces
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The only times that I usually find myself perusing home inspiration is when I'm moving or thinking about redecorating. Although I'm not in the market for either right now, I can't help but notice that I've been pinning a lot of ...

October 26, 2015
Striped Coat
It's that time–layering season is upon us. With November just days away, we're starting to watch the bare leg days slip away. I used to hate bundling up when I was little – my mom couldn't get me into anything that required more than 1 layer, le ...