Is February seriously almost over? I can’t believe how quickly this month passed, almost too quickly for me to catch it! With Fashion Week lasting for close to 2 weeks and then a trip back home, I feel like I’ve barely been here, but when I have I’ve tried to make the most of it despite the craziness.
Here’s what I’ve been up to this past month!
Who am I kidding, that’s so not true. More like being cooped up because of the weather and trying not to go crazy.. but it does make dressing for work a little easier: warm, layered and cozy.
One of the best nights this month was a special event for Fashion Week where we were able to have a private concert with Bon Jovi followed by a dinner at Mercer Kitchen. I met a ton of great people that night – some from all over the world and enjoyed everyone’s company over a long dinner and lots of wine. An incredible experience that I won’t forget!
Somehow I made it all the way through the Holidays and an extra month too long without getting a haircut.. but then one day I woke up and realized it was time. I snipped off 4Â inches! This was before, pictures to come after!
I don’t make it to the Upper East side often enough, but it’s one of my goals when the weather gets better. I had the pleasure of joining Henri Bendel‘s team to celebrate the launch of their new fragrance, Suite 712 over delicious fruit parfaits, omelettes and french toast. You’re going to love the scent – it’s my new everyday perfume!
This may be a mainstay in the series every month.. I’ve been obsessed with sunsets ever since I was a little girl. I used to have photos of different sunsets from our travels hanging in my room, so I really enjoy getting to see some of the best ones in New York from our office building. They never get old!
I tend to hibernate a bit during these winter months and enjoy a little slower pace. My routine lately has been a more casual Friday night, Saturday workout at Barry’s followed by brunch with a friend. I finally met up with my friend Meghan at the Butcher’s Daughter and absolutely loved it! If you’re ever in the city, it’s a must.
Maybe it was the three years in Chicago and all of the snow, but I would rather have a white winter than just a cold one. We haven’t had as many snowy days as I would’ve thought, so I kind of enjoyed this day when the city was completely white and you could barely see.
It’s official – I’m not only hooked but I’m quickly becoming a bit of a picky coffee drinker. Who would’ve thought?! At work we have an espresso machine and I love how creamy and flavorful the coffee is, so on the weekends I like to wander my way to local spots and a favorite, La Colombe.
Since this was half of my month, I can’t go without saying it was great. I’m still adjusting to living here and trying to attend everything and understanding that sometimes you just can’t do it all. I love having friends in town and seeing them here in New York. The shows are great, and seeing friendly faces is even better!
BEST THING I ATE OR DRANKÂ // A pretzel bread sandwich and fries from Jane
FAVORITE RESTAURANT // Hamilton’s Soda in West Village
WEIRDEST THING I SAWÂ //Â Do all of the over-accessorized loonies outside of fashion week wearing crazy colored furs trying to get their photos taken count?
Don’t forget to follow along with my adventures on Instagram!