The View From 5 Ft. 2

How Low Can You Go

When it comes to interior design and home decor, I’m a bit of a rookie. Not for lack of inspiration, but it’s just not my cup of tea. I just enjoy styling with clothes and accessories much more than rooms! But when I do, I like to try my hand at it in my own way. I’ve never been one who was into really big, high beds. My sister had a four post bed that I always thought was cool in theory but when given the choice I went with something lower and sleeker.

When I moved a few years ago I was really excited to start fresh. Maybe this is actually apparent in some of my outfits, but I realized when trying to decorate my room that my overall style is actually much simpler than I thought. At the end of the day I just want a bed that I can crawl into and roll out of with ease. Can you blame me? I mean after all it has always been a little tricky to get up into those high ones anyways :).

I opted for a low bed frame and passed on a headboard. In fact, my bed is in a corner in my room and actually feels more like a nook than anything. I found that for me, less was more. I think I thought for a long time that having a low bed wasn’t very “grown up” of me, but then I realized that was silly and just to own it the same way I try to with the things I wear. What about you? What’s your bedroom decor style?

Images One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven