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May 27, 2013
Memorial Day Makeover

New Blog Design


Happy Memorial Day! What a day to reflect back on all of the men and women who have served our country — if you know of someone give them an extra big hug from me!

The weather here in Chicago was particularly un-lovely as this was my first non-sunny and hot Memorial Day weekend ever. It really felt like 3 days of the beginning of summer vacation to me (a feeling I truly miss since that doesn’t exist in the grown up world I currently live in) — no work, no plans, just the world at my fingertips. I’ve had the itch the change a lot of the direction of my blog, including the design and layout in general to fit my lifestyle and where things are headed.

So, I did what any normal person would do… paid someone to do it did it myself! I will say that I have a new found appreciation for websites and blogs. The littlest details are the toughest to nail down, but make the biggest difference. I can honestly say that this was the most challenging and exhilarating puzzle I’ve solved in a long time – maybe ever – and I enjoyed it so much. I hope you all find the new ‘do to be easier to navigate, easier on the eyes, and just more fun to visit!

For everyone in sunnier weather, I hope you soaked up some quality pool/beach time and had a cocktail or two in my honor! xx


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