The View From 5 Ft. 2

new breezes & new routines

One of my favorite things about moving is the chance to essentially re-design your way of living. We each create routines and habits around how we have setup our homes and apartments. You wake up and get dressed and go to bed in typically the same fashion everyday once you’re settled into a place. But when you move, you get to start a new routine.

It’s no secret to those who know me well that I’m a very organized person and pay a lot of attention to detail. My new place presented me a perfect opportunity to let my creativity run wild and come up with new ways to organize my closet and room. It’s a totally different space than I’ve ever lived in and I wanted to be able to move in within a weekend and buy less than $100 of stuff for finishing touches and things I couldn’t dig up in my storage unit (where I kept all my stuff while in Denver).

I’m still putting the final touch on everything but I wanted to share a few snaps of my favorite things about my new space. I picked up the white mesh trays from the Container Store on their Spring sale this weekend for about $7 total I think. I decided the flat tray would serve as the perfect earring display if I used the bottom to hang my earrings. The small cube is perfect for rings and the skinny tray is the exact width for my bracelets. I couldn’t figure out where to put my necklaces so I ended up hanging them from the decor on the nightstand all of these items are on. I also spent a quick $10 on a clothing rack at Target for my favorite pieces of the moment – it keeps my creative juices flowing!

I also love the bathroom space because there is plenty of storage. I like to keep things off of the counter so I appreciate the multiple drawers that allow me to pull out my makeup and then easily tuck it back away when I’m finished. I realized I’ve grown quite a little collection (especially of blush and bronzer my favorite), but on a daily basis I hardly use but 3-4 items in this drawer. Sad but true.

Finally, the most expensive thing I bought for my new room was this damask file from the Container Store for a whopping $19.99. For my sister’s bridal shower we got her this with colored and labeled file folders for recipe storage, and ever since then I wanted one for myself. I put some bright yellow file folders for some peek through color and some blogging items and magazines in there as well.

So what do you think?! :) How do you stay organized in your own room?