The View From 5 Ft. 2

Out Of Office

If you’ve been following along with me on Instagram this week, you may have noticed that I’ve been all over the place. I mentioned this for those of you who subscribe to the newsletter, but I had the week off of work and was taking a little Staycation here in NYC!

I can’t believe next week will mark my first year here – it’s crazy how time flies. I took these few days to really explore some of the things I hadn’t seen yet like the Whitney Museum, went to my first Yankees game, and also got to check a few things off of my NYC bucket list.

It’s kind of the best feeling ever to be able to actually put up an Out Of Office for a few days and take it all in. I’ve also been able to finally check things off of my errand list (which my roommate will jump for joy over) and just be back at zero, you know?

Hope you’re all having a wonderful week – lots of exciting things coming in the next few weeks!

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