January 4, 2019
5 Things I’m Focusing On In 2019
Hi guys! After an exceptionally busy end of 2018 for me with work, wedding planning and the Holidays, I'm back and excited to be starting the year with a fresh mind and perspective! There's nothing like a little actual space to put you back in the he ...

August 10, 2018
4 Years In New York
Wow! It's really been 4 whole years since I picked up my keys in SoHo and moved into my first apartment here. It sounds cliche, but somehow it doesn't feel like everything that has happened since moving here is possible in such a short amount of time ...

July 12, 2018
J.Crew x Universal Standard (and exciting news!)
IT'S HERE! I'm so excited to announce that the J.Crew x Universal Standard collection has arrived and is finally available for you guys to see and purchase! I've been keeping this one close to the chest for a few months and am so happy to have a chan ...

February 16, 2018
Life Lately, Vol. 9
I find myself thinking about content more than I've been able to create it lately. Usually when that happens it means I'm overdue for a personal life catchup with you guys. Having a space to create can be both a blessing and a curse when you're not f ...

December 30, 2017
A Letter To My 2018 Self
Another year has passed and with just 2 more days in 2017 I'm looking back on all that has happened this year. From our trips to Chicago, Dallas, West Palm, Atlanta, Charleston and Martha's Vineyard to the incredible fun we've had just in our day-to- ...

November 9, 2017
Life Lately, Vol. 8
Oy. I cannot believe it's been 6 months since I've done one of these! I really meant to keep up with them more frequently, but this summer was extremely busy with all of the weddings we were at and then we got engaged so things haven't exactly been ...