The View From 5 Ft. 2

the summer shirtdress

shirtdress full

 Equipment shirtdress (similar)  |  Soludos for J.Crew  |  Rebecca Minkoff M.A.C ostrich bag  |  Prada rimless aviators  |  Zoya “Megan” nail polish

Photos by Heather Mowatt

Summertime is just around the corner and I’m finally ready to closet swap my boots and sweaters for sleeveless tops and shorts! Yes, closet swap. Because in Chicago (and New York for that matter) there isn’t enough room in your closet for both, and unlike in Texas there are truly 4 seasons here. When I moved here, everyone thought I was crazy to have so many pairs of shorts and skirts… but that’s what happens when you only need one coat! Love this Equipment shirtdress — it’s my new go to for a breezy, summer day to night look. Happy sunshine, hope those endorphins brighten your day and week.