July 23, 2014
Cadillac Weekend
Anytime a season in my life comes to an end, I get extremely nostalgic. It's just how I've always been. My time in Chicago felt so short even though it’s been almost three years. Whether it’s re-visiting all of my old favorites or just taking in ...

May 21, 2014
Chicago Guide with Sosh
When I first moved to Chicago, I made a point to try as many new restaurants and activities as I possibly could. There was no resource really other than Yelp, Eater and word of mouth for me to discover new places and so I started my own little restau ...

April 28, 2014
Texas Roundup: rS The Con
L to R  •  The Express rooftop terrace lunch hanging with Lunchpails & Lipstick  // Kate Spade Happy Hour at the Eye // Catching up with Alyson Haley of Sequins and Things // Mi Cocina with Lauren of Sunday Beach, Blair of The Fox & She ...

April 24, 2014
Dallas Bound
I'm headed back to Dallas (my hometown) this weekend for a really exciting weekend at rStheCon! This will be my first time attending and I'm thrilled to be a part of such a fun weekend. To be honest, I have no idea what's in store! I'm most excited t ...

April 8, 2014
NTC Tour LA Photo Diary Part II
7:59 a.m. Â Ahhhhhh.. the feeling of waking up to an alarm and not being completely upset. If only I could wake up to this view everyday, I'd be a morning person. Well.. probably not but a girl can hope, right?
8:32 a.m. Â We wander dow ...

April 3, 2014
NTC Tour LA Photo Diary (Part I)
While my previous post about the NTC Tour might've been extremely informative, a little inspirational and really interesting to read, this trip was entirely too cool for me to just leave it at that. Our weekend in LA with the Nike Training Club will ...

March 27, 2014
NTC Tour Los Angeles
As many of you guys know, I had the privilege of heading to sunny LA with Nike for the trip of a lifetime and a chance to be a part of the first ever NTC Tour in LA! Let me give you the quick backstory and then I'm going to take you through our jour ...

March 13, 2014
LA Getaway
I don't remember the last time I was so excited to pack up everything I could possibly think of for a weekend trip! I'm pulling the cobwebs off of my cutoffs and sundresses and am heading to LA for the weekend with Nike Training Club Chicago. We have ...

October 20, 2013
Austin City Limits
If you follow along with my adventures via Instagram, you may have noticed I was in Austin for ACL last weekend! Despite getting our 3rd day of the festival rained out (crazy flood pics, google 'em) I had a complete and total blast with som ...

September 11, 2013
Cadillac Dreams
Car: Â Cadillac SRX (c/o) .... I just had to. Haha
One of the biggest luxuries that I had to give up when I moved to the city was selling my car. I've lived my entire life in sprawled metropolitan cities where public transportation is more or less a ...