The View From 5 Ft. 2

Win The Day

Clearasil, Win the Day

How I #WinTheDay over the weekend: Tea instead of coffee, new face cleansing products, a Saturday morning treat, and shoe-spiration for getting dressed up for a night out

The weekend is winding down and I’m gearing up for the upcoming week. I have found that the best way for me to start a new week is to get re-fueled over the weekend. For me, this involves catching up on sleep, treating myself a bit, and taking care of my mind and body by trying to shut down at least one day to have some fun.

I spend a majority of the weekdays eating healthy and just being on the grind truthfully. I am up pretty late these days trying to maximize my productive mode, so I find it so refreshing to take the weekend without set alarms and really have some time off. I use Saturdays to sleep in and have a little fun and Sundays to check everything off my list off so that I can start Monday with a fresh slate. Laundry, groceries, cleaning, blogging, working, and most recently new work for the Windy City Blogger Collective!

To stay refreshed, I have to keep a fresh feeling face. There’s nothing like the feeling of washing off all of your makeup and going naked face to run around on the weekend doing errands. I’ve teamed up with Clearasil to refresh my skin and #WinTheDay. You can get a rebate here and try some of the products yourself! I use a gentle cleanser daily to make sure I get all of the grime removed and the exfoliating pads and scrubbing cleansers a few times a week so that I get a deeper clean. How do you Win The Day?


The Clearasil products in this post were given to me to try out.Â